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Sameena Sheriff

Sameena Sheriff

Burjeel day surgery center, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Title: Conjunctival autograft with fibrin glue for pterygium: Strategies to optimize your outcome


Biography: Sameena Sheriff



With the increasing demand for recurrence free pterygium surgery globally, Conjunctival autograft with fibrin glue have become the preferred choice of pterygium excision method for surgeons which not only minimizes recurrence rate but also surgical time and postoperative pain. However, the procedure comes with its own set of challenges; Expensive glue, Meticulous graft preparation, Possible transmission of blood borne diseases, Graft dehiscence, Anaphylaxis, Conjunctival granuloma etc. resulting in poor surgical outcome and patient dissatisfaction.


We reviewed existing literature to identify the challenges associated with patient selection, preoperative evaluation, Intraoperative care and postoperative management measures to optimize the outcome.


We present a brief overview of conjunctival autograft technique with fibrin glue, Intraoperative steps to achieve a perfect graft, Newer treatment options for the management of postoperative complications along with comparative results of other popular pterygium surgeries.


Carefully planned and executed Pterygium e surgery with fibrin glue fixed conjunctival autograft can greatly optimize the surgical outcome and reduce patient dissatisfaction.