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Sergio Ozan

Sergio Ozan

University of Buenos Aires


Sergio Ozan completed his studies from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is an optician and contact lens specialist and having enriched experience in the manufacturing of ocular prosthesis. Dr. Sergio is also associated with scientific societies and currently he is a scientific advisor for ocular prosthesis in APO (Association Professional de Optometras in Argentina). He is the precursor and creator of multi-perforated orbital implants i.e. JUMAT, first prosthetic sclera lens and expander of orbit osmotic hydrogel filling for microphthalmia. He is the director of CEPROC along with Ocular Prosthesis Division in Perfect Vision, Santiago, Chile. Dr. Sergio Ozan also developed the one hour customized ocular prosthesis method which is unique in Latin America.

Research Interest

Contact Lenses, Ocular Prosthesis